Monday, September 26, 2005

Sex and the Times in which we live...
So I came across this on Drudge Report. This seals the idea that we live in a global society that wants everything NOW and cares only about about him/herself. Let's not worry about actually establishing a relationship with that other person (part of it being through sex), lets just skip to having the kids.
Two thoughts and a certian question...
1. And that makes these ladies think they'll actually be good parents if they don't have time for sex in the first place because of careers and such - and you'd have time for the kid when?
2. Here we see sex as a bad idea, yet you don't see anything being advocated against extra-marrital affairs, one night stands, strip joints, and porn...
3. If you're willing to actually take on the responsibility of rasing a kid and all that that would take, why miss the fun part with the other person in your life that assits in making that possible? Instead you'd want some somewhat invasive medical procedure?
To quote the now departed OC Supertones "ohhhhh, this is what it comes to..."


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