Alito Hearings - Episode III
*For what transpired before I began blogging this morning, check Captain's Quarters
The Senate is back at it today with Judge Alito. Right now it is about 10:40 am. Tom Coburn, one of my favorite Senators, is talking with Alito about using foreign law to interpret the Constitution - something that was asked by Senator Kyle yesterday, and Alito once again stands by his idea of not using foreign law on the SCOTUS to interpret the Constitution. Prior to Coburn discussing things with Alito, Sam Brownback, another favorite, discussed marriage and the protection of it with Alito, as they agreed that it needs to be protected. Roe has also been discussed in a negitive context this morning by both Brownback, and now Coburn (which would be expected from one who is a Christian/Conservative/Medical Doctor.
Alito v. Coburn
Abortion - Coburn entered into the record a study that lasted 35 years, from New Zeeland, in which 600 women were followed and the ill health and physcological effects of an abortion noted and recorded.
"Why do you?" - Coburn just asked Alito why he wants the job. Alito sees it as a chance to make a contribution to the country, to serve it. The SCOTUS has a important role to play, esp. in excerciseing restraint, the only real check that exists.
"What's Important to Sam Alito?" Alito is discussing different case types, immigration, disability, discrimination, ect. and what goes through his head.
2nd Round has begun
Alito v. Specter II
Alito and Specter have been going back and forth in reguards to the balance of power between the Courts and the Court's ability to restrict the power of Congress. Spector stated that he does not appreciate the court seeing congress as "uneducated school children" and spoke about legislation that is currently being decided as to allow Congress to defend it's own cases before the SCOTUS, instead of the Solicitor General doing so.
On break right now, be back soon...same bat web address
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