Friday, February 03, 2006

Cortoon Row...

So there's been a lot of chatter over these newspaper cartoons that are offensive to Islam and Muslims. Michelle Malkin has the best roundup of links and following of this situation.

What's the big deal?! I mean seriously, the world mocks Christianity millions of times over and no one does a darn thing about it, but someone prints these cartoons, and the Muslim world goes crazy, while the Rolling Stone prints a picture of Kyane West as Christ and there's a painting in NYC that puts OBL and Christ together.

These things do happen, but Christians don't take up arms or have a "International Day of Anger"; and yet followers of Islam are going to do this, one day after King Abdullah of Jordan called for cooperation between Cristians, Muslims, and Jews while speaking to a room of mostly evangelical Christians? Wow.

If that weren't enough, the weakness of the MSM has once again become apparent, as CNN and NBC refuse to show these cartoons as they report on them. (Not showing the object of a segment of a news cast, out of respect for religion? This the same network that had "The Book of Daniel" canceled because of the reaction from Christians - however, Christian's didn't get all up in arms and call for that "International Day of Anger" - remember that!)

Inconcieveable, oh wait, no it isn't. Truth is certianly stranger than faction these days.

*UPDATE* Protest are being sparked around the world due to this controversey


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