Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hackers II: The Cartoon Jihadists Strike Back

*Update* Michelle Malkin also reports that the cartoons have been printed by a conservative paper at Harvard and a paper at the University of Illinois. At Harvard this has sparked a debate by the Interfaith Council, but at U of I, people have been suspended pending an internal invatigation.

I am glad that things are at least going to be discussed, and at Harvard of all places. This comes as unexpected. The U of I situation, however, does not.

Since this whole "Cartoon Row" has now become a "Cartoon Jihad", not to mention taken the internet by storm, I thought I give a nod to one of my favorite "cult" movies, Hackers (because a lot of that is going on). This new wave seems to be a case where opponents of the printed cartoons are now attacking websites that are Danish in origin, as well as other websites and blogs world wide that are "pro-cartoon", including Michelle Malkin's blog. The emails that she's recieved aren't just comming from over seas, but are also comming from here in the United States. It's a valid question to ask if this could end up turing into various instances of cyber-terrorism.

I am still mistified as to why this is continuing, both in physical protest and now internet threats. All they are are cartoons. Even when things get printed everyday that are anti-Christian or anti-Semetic no one cares because it's "ok" to offend the Christians Jews. Yet when something is printed that is offensive to Islam the world errupts in protest and the West cowers to it. We are still afraid, plain and simple, and instead of standing up in the name of free speech and freedom of the press many news agencies decide to not show the cartoons. What's worse is that most of them are benign in origin and most of the indiviuals world-wide that are rioting about these drawings haven't even seen them.

I've said a majority of this before, but I feel it warrents being said again, as one of the halmarks of the Bible was repitition, espically in Proverbs, and if repition is good enough for the Bible to use to get its point across then it darn well can work for me too.


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