Katrina Accountability - Of course not!
The Gov. Of Louisiana met with the Senate Finance committee yesterday to testify in regards to Hurricane Katrina. Via the Washington Times reporting, this is one of the more telling observations:
Republican senators at yesterday's hearing by the Finance Committee -- Charles E. Grassly of Iowa, Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, Trent Lott of Mississippi, Olympia J. Snow of Maine, Jon Kyl of Arizona, Craig Thomas of Wyoming, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, Bill Frist of Tennessee, Gordon H. Smith of Oregon, Jim Bunning of Kentucky and Michael D. Crapo of Idaho -- agreed to Mrs. Blanco's request not to discuss her performance after the hurricane.
Why? Didn't she screw up too? What about supporting the President? What sort of ulterior motives/agenda do some of these senators have? Where's the backbone?
Another observation:
The White House and committee members disagree over details of a health care package backed by Mr. Grassley and Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, the top Democrat on the panel. The legislation would ease eligibility requirements for storm victims for the Medicaid program for the poor, and provide federal assistance to help displaced workers maintain private insurance coverage.
The federal government would pay the full cost of Medicaid for disaster victims even though those costs are usually shared by the states. The White House said this week that it opposes the legislation. This appeared to anger the committee
The Federal Government spending more money? This seems like a good reason to me for the pork busting efforts of one Truth Laid Bare
(I've yet to come up with words to parody the Ghostbusters theme - "Who ya gonna call? Pork Busters")
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