Continues, The Saga Does...
As I said the other day, I continue to think that this Justice battle for the SCOTUS O'Connor seat is going to tend to be "Knock Down and Drag Out", but from the "unlikely angle" of it being a battle within the conservative camp. I find this interesting especially since all that seems to be coming from the Democrat side is that of praise from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. My guess is that the Dems are having a private heyday with conservatives in-fighting.
The situation reminds me of a Reliant K song "Down in Flames"
The lines of battle are becoming more and more defined as the days tick by:
Again, I wonder if the Christian Right supports her just because she is seen as "one of us" or if it is actually because we see her as a qualified canidate for the Judiciary. Do evangelicals see a nominee for the court susceptible to a "litmus test" of "we'll back you if you believe as we do in matter s of faith"? One would says yes to this in terms of Meirs I think, but yet much of the Christian Right backed Roberts. I believe that this was because of his qualified status, as shown on paper and in the hearings. I cannot say with confidence the same for Meirs as I have followed this issue.
Both sides of the conservative and camp carry good portions of argument that can sway one either way. The Anti-Camp a more intellectual/merits based argument, and the Pro-Camp more of a "let's trust the president/she's a Christian so she's got to be good" argument. One tugs at the mind, one more so at the heart.
Cries of cronyism and incompetence will abound until the end and beyond, but as I said with FEMA/Brown and ICE/Meyers - merit, merit, merit...
The OC Supertones penned wise words when they wrote "Unite, Ignite, and spark a light that burns so bright, the light will blind the blind of this our modern time..." This is an issue that is beyond both camps and "a house divied against itself won't stand"
May those in power, as well as the public, decide for itself - but decide as infomed indiviuals.
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