Monday, March 27, 2006

Believers in Christ and immigration

Here we have a tough issue to tackle. On one hand, we know that God is a God of laws, but on the other a God of Grace. On one hand some believers might say "let them come, they are those less fortunate and deserve a better life, something that believers should support". On the other though, a stand that says "no they need to come here under correct legal terms, as open borders and immigration is a opening for terrorism, and the whole 'breaking the law' thing, well that's not something that Christians should support"

I find myself standing in the second camp, as I care too much about this great country to see it attacked again, and I cannot advocate breaking the laws set down by government, an institution given to us by the Father, as outlined in Romans 13.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

A night at the Movies: V for Vendetta

Imagine a world where darkness is the norm and government is oppressive. A world where there is an underground plea to “Remember Remember the 5th of November…”

This is the world of V for Vendetta. Originally a comic book published by Vertigo, a division of DC Comics, it hit the silver screen last weekend, after being delayed from it’s November 5th, 2005 release.

In the world portrayed in V, America has fallen into civil war because of the prolonged conflict in the Middle East and public opinion regarding it; no longer is she the Superpower she once was, much less the “City on a Hill”. Now, England reigns supreme and is governed by an oppressive government that spouted out of the country’s conservative party and considers America a Godless country that has befallen judgment. This government is headed by a man who is “deeply religious”, and as such sees homosexuality as offensive and wrong, consequently tasking the government that he rules with stamping out such a practice. The media in this scenario is controlled by the government and there is a consistent spin that is put upon everything.

Enter Ivey, a girl who lives on her own and works for the British Television Network (BTN). Early in the film she goes out past the curfew set by the government and is in danger of getting raped by the Secret Police who have caught her.

Enter V, a masked man in the style of The Shadow, who uses knives instead of guns. Wearing a mask in the style of Guy Fawkes, the man who sought to blow up parliament in the 1600’s, V is London’s Batman fighting against what he sees as wrong doing and injustice, not on the part of physco-semantic criminals, but the conservative and oppressive government. V saves Ivey, from those who sought to do her harm, and she later saves him as police forces try and kill him after he takes over a television station and broadcasts his message against the government for all to hear.

Much in the fashion of Phantom of the Opera, V takes Ivey to his lair and she stays with him, until later deciding to leave, which ultimately gets her captured by the government police.

The police process and jail her, subsequently torturing her and demanding that she reveal V’s whereabouts. During her confinement, she learns of a prisoner, and hears her story, a story of homosexual love that has since been outlawed. She was jailed and died for that offense. Eventually Ievy is let go and is reunited with V, joining him on his quest to deliver the ultimate blow to the establishment, the destruction of Parliament.

On one level the film was amazing, the acting superb, and the action tense and Matrix-like (which should come as no surprise as the creators of the Matrix did this film). On another the film is disturbing. The fault lies in the message, the politics of the film. It is no secret that Hollywood is liberal and filled with individuals that chide and bash America’s current government and the global conflict that we find ourselves in. As such they see the Republicans, “the conservative party”, a party that is headed by a man who is “deeply religious”, as oppressive and hating of homosexuals because Christian doctrine condemns the practice. This being said a movie was produced so that there could be a blow delivered against those that ascribe to the above political demographic.

It is also no secret that Alan Moore, the comic’s creator, crafted the tale as a strike against Britain under Lady Margaret Thatcher in the 1980’s, so in that respect the film stays close to the original intent of the creator’s work.

However, I began to formulate a mental image as I watched the film. I did indeed associate the government portrayed with a country, with many countries – Germany under Hitler, the deposed Taliban in Afghanistan, and more recently, the country of Belarus over in Europe; especially in the final scenes with the protest against the government’s military/police. (If you're not familiar with the country, read some previous posts.) Notice however that I did not name America among the countries that came to mind, nor would I ever. In America we don’t know oppression, we don’t know restrictions; we’re the freest country on earth. America is nothing like what was portrayed.

It’s sad to see such amazing film makers politicizing things as if they are experts in American government, politics, and policy – all because they donate to liberal coffers.

A message to Hollywood: when will you realize that the America hating is old news and doesn’t work? Better luck next time.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Eye on Belarus - Democracy Strikes Back

In Belarus, the fire of Democracy continues to burn brightly despite attempts by the Lukashenko government to stamp it out. Yesterday the state police came in to October Square in the Capitol of Minsk and arrested some few hundred protestors, destroying the city of tents that the democratic protestors have erected. In the face of such a move by the Soviet style government within the last dictatorship in Eroupe, the protestors are back today by the thousands to rally against the illegitimate government that has secured itself a thrid term as of six days ago.

As the protestors are back in action so are the police, having clashed at the rally. Twenty or so peole have been detained by the police, as of this writing. The number of protestors continues to rise, as the reported numbers are somwhere between 3,000 and 5,000.

There are some amazing developments in the name of deomocracy happening today in Belarus. It's proof that the desire for democracy and freedom is strong in the hearts of many who are prevented from expirencing such freedom. Recent history has a number of examples that one can look to to back such assertions. The people's revolution in the Philipines in the 80's, and in the last few years the Orange and Velvet revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia.

Freedom and Democracy are ideas and principles that aren't just "Western" but they are universal ideas that all people want to expirence. Such is evident in places like Iraq and Afghanistan (despite recent developments concerning a Christian convert) where people are thankful that a "coalition of the willing" led by the United States has come in and toppled the totalitarian regimes that ruled those countries (the media in America and around the world paints a different picture but that is a picture that is inaccurate). It's a indiviuals God-given right to be free and not opressed by the government that they live under; the people of Belarus are doing all they can to assert that right. Interestingly enough though, violence is something that they have said they won't resort to, unlike the state "law enforcement" that has resported to great acts of violence in the previous days.

May that fire continue to burn brightly like the stars in the night sky

For Belarus

Friday, March 24, 2006

Eye on Belarus - Send in the Troops

As of 3:30 am March 24 Belarus Time, Lukashenko sent in the troops to break up the city of tents that protestors of the rigged elections had been using for shelter during their protests before and since the elections held last Sunday. All of the protestors have been arrested and the square is completely empty.

What about the massive demonstration to be held tomorrow?! "Is this the last Hurrah" for hopes of Democracy in Belarus? "Say it ain't so..."

I wish I had more time, but I give my first Capitol tour this morning and I need to go ride the route I'm taking to give it, wish me luck.

Publius Pundit has more

Russian Documents, Intel, Saddam, and OBL

Via Drudge this morning the headline reads "ABC News: Doc show that Russian Ambassador gave Saddam US War Plans"

WHAT?! And we think that Russia can be trusted to deal with Iran?! I wonder how high in the Russian government such a move was approved...

Not only that, but the document further varifies contact between OBL and Saddam, as the meetings may have not been attended by Saddam, but were certainly approved by him. Is this vindication at last for those that have pounded the ground with this mantra? I hope so.

This document even connects oil for food to this Russian Ambassador, man is he screwed.

Captain's Quarters has more on these alarming developments.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Star Wars director Slams President Bush

In a speech given last night, famed Star Wars director George Lucas slammed President Bush when he said that ""Study abroad is extremely important; just for kids to get outside this country and experience the fact there is a big world out there, we are a provincial country. Our president has barely been out of the country."

I take issue here, Lucas doesn't know what he's talking about. Bush is the President, let's not forget that. He makes visits of State all the time, it's part of his job. As a case in point, there were rumors that the Commander in Chief would speak at the 2005 graduation of Cedarville University last year - he didn't because he was in the middle of an State visit to Russia at the time. He also went on a visit it Israel when he was still Gov. of Texas, not to mention attending G8 summits every year and the Economic Confrence of the Americas. these are just the State visits that I can remember. Barely been out of the country Mr. Lucas? I think not.

Now those that know me know that I love Star Wars. I think that in creating such a world that Lucas is indeed a genius, as Pelosi stated when she gave him the award last night. However, I don't appreciate that Lucas has joined the Hollywood ranks of those that are critical of the administration in words and on film. Such a controversey surrounded Lucas around the release of Episode III last year when he said that he had the Vietnam War in mind when he outlined the Prequel films but was disheartened to see the same thing happening again with Iraq.

Russia and China stand together on Iran

So says the headline on Drudge Report this morning. Russia and Iran have agreed to stand together on Iran, wanting the UNSC to tone down the language in a statement against Iran and the nuclear efforts of the government of that country. Russia and China seek to "give diplomacy more time and space".

I find myself not suprised by this, it was comming. Iran knows that they have allies in Russia and China, so effectivly this ties the hands of the UNSC unless it drafts a statement that has no teeth and is little more than a slap on the wrist. These elements within the UN weaken it's ability to "govern" and speak out on such issues, rendering the body ineffective (to a greater degree than it already is). As I have said many times, Iran is already mocking the West and will continue to do so until we hit back hard. Talks have failed, it's time for action, at least some hard hitting sanctions.

Criminalizing Jesus?!

This morning (via Drudge Report) came this article concerning some recent comments from Hillary Clinton, the Jr. Senator from New York. Captain's Quarters is reporting on this as well, with some great analysis of the landscape in Israel during Christ's time, as to historically refute Clinton's comments about Christ being an "illegal immigrant".

Seriously, what is this? Clinton trying to suddenly invoke Jesus as to appease someone? If you're fooled by such a reference, please raise your hand. It's just a marketing tactic, that's all, just more positioning for a race in 2008 that she'll lose. Let the chess game continue.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Law and Order: NBC's political arm

Tonight and last week, NBC's most recent episodes of the hit show Law and Order have served to make huge political statements.

Last week's episode dealt with the killing of a secret service agent, one connected to a high profile lobbyist who was connected to indian tribes. This plot was a clear swipe at Jack Abrahoff and his dealings with indian tribes and politicians on both sides of the asile.

Tonight's episode dealt with the killing of a private contractor who was back from Iraq. He was killed by the brother of someone he worked with, someone he sent to die. Various comments were made about Bush, Cheney, Haliburton, Exxon, and other companies and "the power they have". The key comment being about "doubting where the country is going in Iraq"

*sigh* It never stops does it, and George Clooney says he's proud of being out of touch...

Afghanistan: Christians Under Fire pt. III

Today has been a big day in this whole situation as President Bush has finally come out and commented on this while he gave a speech today in West Virginia. Countires like Canada, Denmark, and Germany are lining up in favor of Rahman's freedom. Even CAIR is advocating for it; that's amazing. As always, Michelle Malkin, Captain's Quarters, and Tapscott's Copy Desk have more on the situation.

Finally something is happening and the world is speaking up on behalf of this courageous Christian Warrior!

Eye on Belarus: Is "People Power" dying?

One again, Captain's Quarters and Publius Pundit are keeping an eye on Belarus for those interested. It seems that the momentum of the "People's revolution" has died down some, due to a number of different factors, such as climate conditions and actions taken by Lukashinko to quell what he would see as "civil unrest". There seems to be plans to reconviene this weekend to protest again, but momentum may be lost and as such, needs to be regained.

I continue to marvel at, and tip my hat to, the courage of those under such opression who want to see their country free.

Christian under Fire pt. II

This morning, Captian's Quarters, Tapscott's Copy Desk and Michelle Malkin are running posts on the Christian man in Afghanistan who is being threatened because of his faith in Jesus Christ.

There has finally been a United States response to the issue, albeit a response that has been softer than other countries. Why there hasn't been a actual presidential response to this I don't know, but there should be one. That country is supposed to be liberated from such henious acts under it's new constitution and government, something that doesn't seem to be happening with any deliberate speed. Under such a system there should be respect and tollerance for differing religious beliefs. This isn't just a United States democratic idea, but a universal underpinning of democracy that should be available to all. I may not agree with the differing faith of another, but I don't threaten to kill him for it, which is exactly what is happening here.

If nothing else, pray for this man, that the power of God might be evident and that he might be used in a mighty way for the Father's purposes.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

HILLARY Positioning - "It's her time now"

In the New York Daily News today, it's been reported that HILLARY now has control and "the final say" in what her husband, the former president, says and does, because "It's her time now"

A very telling quote: "The senator's camp knows, however, when it's politically prudent to put her near her husband, like when they visited victims of Hurricane Katrina, the funeral for Coretta Scott King and in Israel at the anniversary of the assassination of Mideast peacemaker Yitzhak Rabin." (Italics/Bold Added)

Thus continues the saga of HILLARY positioning herself for what I beleive will be a failed attempt at another eight years at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. If she gets the nod, then the conservative network will come out of the woodwork in greater numbers than they did in the 2004 cycle, it will be a sight to see, such a class of the idological titans. Those that oppose HILLARY (such as myself) know what she's really about, that all of this pro GWOT and pro Troops talk is just that, talk. It's all in positioning herself as a centrist that she hopes to win. In her attempt to do such, I hope she fails, completely.

All of this has been said time and time again, but it bears repeating - a mark of important information. If it worked for Solomon when he wrote Proverbs, then it works for me.

Eye on Belarus...

This morning, events are continuing to unfold in Belarus. Over at Captain's Quarters, Captain Ed has the latest and at Publius Pundit, there is a great deal of background.

Finally, something might break. I for one hope that Belarus goes the way of Georgia and Ukraine. This of course wouldn't make Russia happy, and it will be interesting to watch what happens and see Russia's response toward the country that serves as the buffer to the European Union if it has it's "Orange" or "Velvet" revolution

Bush on Iran: It's all about the EU 3

This morning, President Bush is giving a informal press confrence to the American people and his press corps. In this press confrence, President Bush has said that the diplomatic efforts to deal with Iran fall on the EU Three: Germany, France, and the UK. The desire is to solve such issues diplomatically, and to that end the permanent five members of the United Nations Security Council (and Germany) are going to meet this week. The United States seeks to work with all of the members here, including Russia and China.

With such a plan, there are two great problems. The first problem is that the EU Three's efforts have produced little results of note, in other words things have failed. Such failure has led Iran to even boast about how they have fooled the West. Secondly, trying to work with Russia and China on such things is very difficult as Russia has worked in recent months to asssit Iran with the nuclear ambitions, vieled in diplomatic talks. Even those attempts have "failed" in one way or another. Both countries have stalled votes on Iran that the Security Council has tried to pass, along the lines of sanctions and such.

There needs to be other action taken, as diplomatic talks seem to be going nowhere fast.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Situation: Belarus - The Catch 22

This morning various news wires and networks had reported the overwhelming victory in Belarus in the elections; the victory wasn't for democracy though, it was a tyrant's victory by way of a rigged election. One pole however surmises that the victory margin for the current and still "President" of the country was much less than reported, saying that such margins were inflated to twice their actual size, meaning that the tyrant that currently rules the country was not able to get the 50% vote needed to actually win the contest.

So what will the world do about such a situation? It is within this question that the Catch 22 becomes apparent because for the West and the rest of the world to do something, it would need to be jarred into action by massive bloodshed (and many world die). However, those in power aren't stupid and know if that bloodshed comes and the United States and other countires are spurred into action then trouble will be at their doorstep. So the bloodshed needed to spur action will never come, and the world will do little to nothing about the last Soviet era dictatorship in Eroupe.

Something must be done, what is it - no one knows, yet...

Afghanistan: Christian under Fire

Yesterday and today, via both Michelle Malkin and Joel Rosenberg, I've read accounts of a man in Afghanistan who's on trial and under threat of execution for being a believer in Jesus Christ. I can't imagine that, I just can't. It also makes it tough to ligitimize a belief system that is prime in a country that would do such to a man. Think of this one case that is actually getting "press" through such blogs...and consider the many cases no one outside of that country ever hears of...

Don't know what else to say...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A weekend for Protests and Demonstrations

Anti-War demonstrations are going on this weekend across the world. In countires like Australia, Japan, Turkey, Spain, Germany, Greece, Austria, and Denmark. Now the Denmark one catches my eye because of the cartoon row that's now a days getting little press, but a month or so ago was all the rage, a situation that can ultimately be linked to the GWOT just as these protests against the war in Iraq are.

However, in the name of Freedom and Liberty, a few things are happening this weekend.

There is an anti-China rally happeneing in Tiwan to protest the mainland's threats to attack the island.

Also, there's another demonstration of note happening this weekend right here in Washington DC - one concerning the political freedom of the country of Belarus.

I posted on it a day or so ago, here. It's tomorrow from 8 am - 8 pm, corresponding with tomorrow's elections in Belarus. Many indiviuals will be comming to the Ebassy of Belarus to vote in this election, which is also where the demonstration is going to be held.

Those that are vying for their freedom in that country have many obstacles to overcome, the greatest of which is a oppressive government of old Soviet style that has done all it can to oppress those that would stand up against it in the name of Freedom. The Opposition party to this tyrannical government has endured much to get to the elections that will be held tomorrow, and even though a hard loss is likely, I tip my hat to those with the courage to stand up under opression and do all they can in the political process to stop it.

For Belarus.

A Benifit of Sunshine Week: Documents Decoded

A few days ago, I posted on Sunshine Week, the week every year when government transparency becomes the big issue. This time around a number of documents have been released to the public, documents that concern the GWOT. Found here, thanks to Iraq the Model, Michelle Malkin, Pajamas Media, and the army of translators, is the first of many of those documents. If this is just the first, I am certianly interested in seeing more.

Go ahead, connect the dots, what do you see?

The "Return" of Iran

The big news on Iran, for the last week or so, has been that they are now willing to sit down with representitives of the United States and "discuss" Iraq (i.e. the role of the Iranian government in shadow operations to support the Al-Quieda/Baa'thist insurgents). While some would say this is a sign of Iran finally cracking, Stephen J. Hadley, the President's top Foreign Policy advisor, states differently saying that this is most likely a ploy to divert attention from the fact that Iran wants a nuclear bomb.

Make no mistake, the government that is in power in Iran at this time hates the United States, and I posess little doubt that their government is doing what they can to spin this in their favor at the hands of the state run media, saying things like "look, the US wants to talk with us instead of using force because they fear us"

I'm reminded of what Benjamin Netanyahu said a number of months ago when on"Your World w/ Neil Cavuto" - that in the Middle East, the only thing that is truly respected is force, not talks, not giving land away, but strengh for strength force. The former prime minister cited the example of when he was in charge how there were 2-3 years of relative peace because the enemies surrounding Israel knew that if they did anything, Israel would strike back twice as hard.

I can't help but think the same thing here, that talks will do little, certianly when you have an apocolyptic madman as President of that country.

If events such as these were not enough, Russia of course is putting in its two cents as well. Thanks to Joel Rosenberg there's an interview posted that was done by a Russian news agency, in which one of the top nuclear minds in Russia said "Iran can have nukes"

In all honesty I'm wating for a full fledged Russia-Iran allicance. There are many things we don't know, things going on behind closed doors that are hidden from view, but I think it'll come. Remember, this is the same country that has said that Hammas is not a terrorist organization.

In addition, Captain's Quarters reports that "Russia says 'Neyt' to quick action on Iran" from the United Nations Security Council, as other members want things done in a mre expiedient manner. Not suprisingly, China backs Russia's stance on the issue.

Again, I go back to what Netanyahu said about Middle East culture and force. The actions of the world community at this point have done little, except give Iran bragging rights to flaunt about how they have duped the West and give them additional time to reach their goal of attaining the bomb. There has to be some way to put Iran in its place, if not, the world may never be the same.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Developments in the world of Roe v. Wade

No, we're not talking about Ray "I don't care how they get out of the city" Nagin.

We are talking about the ever present conflict over right to life for the unborn. In an interesting turn of events, espically since the state legislature has shown interest in imposing tough abortion restrictions, Tennessee has issued a ruling through it's courts concerning pro-life lisence plates.

On the more ugly side of the tracks though, two women have died after using the RU-486 or "morning after pill". It's unknown if the pill is the cause, and an investigation is underway.

For Freedom in Belarus

Yesterday evening, Captain's Quarters had a post on Belarus, the last Soviet style dictatorship that serves as a buffer between Russia and the former Soviet satillite countries that have joined the EU in the last two years or so.

Why might I take note? It's because I met Henry Johnson, the Founder of Poglyad a non-profit organization that does all it can to promote Democratic Freedom in that country. Henry has family ties there so this is an issue very close to his heart. Not only that, but Henry has worked very closely with the congressional office that I now work for, as our office has championed this cause. In support of the attempts at Democratic Freedom, that are being snuffed out by the government, there will be a demonstration rally this Sunday at the Embassy of Belarus. I'm going to do my best to be there to support such a great effort.

As important as Democracy in the Middle East is, there are other countries that need to expirence the March of Freedom as well.

For Belarus.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Adjusting to the new life and jobs amidst Sunshine Week

Now that I've gotten settled and life is in what seems to be full swing, I'm finding that I've got little time to blog like I used to, the solution - less sleep I guess.

As I discovered a few days ago, it's Sunshine Week here in Washington. It is during this week that various events go on (sponsored by various organizations across the board) that seek to promote greater tranparency and honesty within government, to "shine the light in the darkness" - very John 1:5 or John 3 like (when Christ is talking about Darkness hating the light because their deeds are evil). I went to one such event at The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. This is a great concept and idea that is also supported through op-eds and blog posts among other things.

Within this vein, comes the following BIG NEWS thanks to Michelle Malkin, that a gaggle of documents on Iraq have been released to the public.

Certainly a step in the right direction

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Return of the "Jedi" Blogger

The last four days have been rather busy, as I've moved my life half way across the country again, back to Washington DC. It's good to be home, that's for sure. So starting tomorrow I'll be back at it.

For now consider this: Iran builds a secret bunker and "how could Iran inflict pain on the West?" This is how.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The People of Iran: Not a "Happy Camper"

At Captain's Quarters this morning, Captain Ed has posted on a story run by the Washington Post. It concerns the unease felt by the Iranian people with reguards to their government's stand against the world. I touched on this about a week or so ago, here.

No matter how one looks at the situation as it stands right now, the losers seem to be the Iranian people - the people that resent their government for how it rules, and struggle under its boot. Even if military action is taken, and I support it being so, the people of the country will find themselves continuing to suffer at the hands of their government, possibly as retaliation for any action taken by the nations of the world against them (the government). This assists (I believe) in making the case for State Department funding going towards democracy efforts in Iran (as the Sec. of State testified a few weeks ago).

If you give a mouse a cookie...he'll ask for a glass of milk...that's happening right now as the Iranian government has turned down proposal after proposal, because the cookie of negocations (period, and not instant military action) wasn't good enough, now Iran want the to milk the situation until they get what they want - doing all they can to use fear to keep the EU in a corner, cowering like a frightened puppy.

Democratic Party finally on the ball?

It has been released that a new voter information effort is underway for those that are left of center politically. As one might surmise, such an effort is headed by the DNC and its chairman. However, this time that is not the case at all. The effort to catch up to the GOP in using technology to harness and collect such information is actually being headed by Harold Ickes (a longtime Clinton aide) in what seems to be a break from the norm, signaling a "no confidence" vote in current DNC Chairman, Howard Dean. If that were not enough, the billionare leftist, George Soros is said to finance this entire operation.

Clearly this is an effort to ratchet things up for HILLARY ('06/'08). In addition this is a sign that the current path of the Democratic Party is a failure and some within the ranks are trying to turn the ship around for HILLARY's sake, as to not totally blow her chances at another eight years in the White House.

With this turf war going on, does that mean that conservatives and the GOP can hail the end of the Democratic Party?

Iran to America: "Harm and Pain"

That's the Drudge Report Headline this morning. It's part of a statement made in retaliation against the US for our role in bringing Iran before the Security Council and calling them on the carpet for their nuclear program.

How long will it be now before the UNSC takes some serious hard hitting action? I posted on the chances of that here and also here. Bottom line - chances are the burden will once again fall to the USA to mop up the mess, with the help of coalition partners.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

House conservatives reach out for fiscal sanity

It's a better and brighter day in Congress today, as the Republican Study Committee takes aim at fiscal sanity by putting together an alternative budget proposal for FY '06-07.

In this proposal, the RSC seeks to cut 650 Billion over five years. Part of this would be done by slashing Medicare and Medicade, as well as cutting back funding for the Energy, Commerce, and Education Departments.

On it's face, this looks like a good proposal, however I have one concern with it - Medicare. If funding is slashed by 350 Billion over 5 years, that being 70 Billion a year, what will that do to the 7,000 or so Medicare service providers that specialize in Medicare home health - a alternative to keeping patients in the hospital and spending $2500 a day doing so. Instead, patients are cared for in their own homes, by trained professionals, at a fraction of that $2500 price tag. The organizations that specialize in this kind of care (those associated with hospitals and those not) get their funding to care for people from the government and across the board, such an industry sees being cost effective as an excellent way to save government funds insteaad of having the rug pullled out from under them and making them do the same care at the same level of excellence, with less. It sounds a lot like the Israelites having to deliver the same quota of bricks under Pharoah without having easy access to the straw.

The people who administer the care to those that need it, they have names, faces, famlies, and lives - just as those that need Medicare do. Consider their provisions before making decisions.

h/t: Captain's Quarters

Monday, March 06, 2006

College Terrorism

Over at Tapscott's Copy Desk, Mark Tapscott continues to investigate the OU Bomber case, now in light of the incident last week at UNC Chapel Hill.

It will be interesting to continue to compare and contrast both of these incidents. Reguardless though, facts need to be laid out in the open and further happenings prevented.

h/t: Mark Tapscott and Michelle Malkin

Israel Safe from Russia?

According to Israel's acting PM Ehud Olmert, the answer is yes. However, according to Joel Rosenberg (author and former advisor to former PM Bibi Netanyahu), the story is vastly different - a senario that even the late President Regan held to.

Expected Pro-Life Victory in South Dakota a reality

I've posted on this a few times in the last few weeks, and in South Dakota there is some final progress as the legislation has been signed into law. Hopefully Mississippi will follow suit, as it looks like they might.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Iraq Coalition-less in '07: America's Respose

This afternoon, military officals on the United States have responded to the claim that the troops will all be pulled out by 2007: "...a spokesman for the U.S. military in Iraq reiterated previous statements by U.S. and Iraqi officials that foreign troops would be gradually withdrawn from the country once Iraqi security forces were capable of guaranteeing security."

Just as I said before the military has said that the key is the Iraqi Army's ability to guarantee security in their country. If the commanders on the ground feel that by 2007 the Iraqi's are ready then the United States and coalition members will back down, but only under such circumstances will they do so.

Iran and her bragging rights

Currently, the government of Iran is taking great glory in the bragging rights it has attained.

How might the Iranian government have attained such status? Simply by fooling the European Union into thinking that they actually wanted to disarm their nuclear program and negociate a settlement. All they desired to do was to buy additional time so that they could get further along in their program while those that thought peace through negociation was actually possible were tied up, unable and unwilling to act in any other manner.

Having done that sucessfully they strut it around like a badge on their chest. At this point some sort of action needs to be taken, either military strikes or some sort of sanctions regime - something that is hard hitting and tough. If that falls to the UN to do, they better get it in gear, as they've failed again and again (as if the example of 12 years of defied resolutions isn't enough). Chances are the UN will once again drop the ball and come out with some half-hearted and hand-wringing idea of what should be done that will accomplish next to nothing. At this point it will be left to the United States to once again take action (along side willling allies) to deal with Iran just as happened with Iraq.

This reminds me of Star Wars Episode I, when there were supposed to be negocations with the Trade Federation, talks that failed and led to a military invasion on Naboo...and no, the United States is not the Trade Federation...but we all know how that turned out in a galaxy far far away...don't we?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Iraq Coalition-less by 2007?

That may be the case if, according to an article published in the UK, troops are all pulled out by then, as the article advocates. However, according to information gathered by Captain's Quarters, the President of Iraq has said that there is and will be no time table to troops leaving Iraq.

Now I would trust the word of the President of Iraq over that of the British Media. As great is the progress that the Iraqi Army is making, the question is within a year would they be able to assume responsibility for the security of the entire country? I don't know, but at first reaction, I doubt it. As such the coalition troops would need to stay on until the commanders are sure that the Iraqi forces are ready to take over.

In addition, it is easy to see that the terrorists would want to drive the coalition out of Iraq at all costs, seeing the removal of troops from the country as a victory on many levels. One must not forget that before 9/11 and the beginning of the war on terror, Al Queda watched and waited, observing the United States and how we dealt with conflict and combat. In their watching, they surmised that America was the paper tiger that could be defeated easily as she was in Vietnam, Lebanon, Somolia, and other places (according to them). The efforts of the United States since 9/11 have crushed, in many respects, that paper tiger idea.

However, we know that Al-Queda is still watching us, even as we root out and kill their best and brightest. In watching us, they take note of the political infighting that has happened within the last five years between the Executive and Legislative branches of government; the attempts on the part of Democrats in Congress and liberal special interest groups to weaken the United States when it comes to National Security and undermine the mission that our men and women in uniform find themselves on. It is the desire and chief aim of the terrorists to bring down and defeat the United States; the things that are reported by the media and the subsequent effect that those reports have on those of us here at home (stories that never tell the whole tale or misrepresent what is actually happening in hopes of striking a blow at a Administration and President that the media hates) aid the terrorists, as they affect those fighting the GWOT and leave them mistified as to why the people they are fighting for would listen and believe such rubbish. As Al-Queda watches this they sit back and hope that such developments, like the article published in the UK, would lead to greater support for a pull-out.

And yet, the President of Iraq is saying that there is no time table. I always did apprecaite the "boots on the ground" persepctive more than that of the talking heads...

And The Children Shall Lead...

A number of times over the last several months I've turned to Ian Schwartz at what was then "The Political Teen" and is now "Expose the Left" for new happenings and media clips of things that are going on in our world. One of the amazing things about Ian Schwartz is that he's a teenager, yet cares so much about our country, conservative principles, and media bias that he does what he does.

Well today, thanks to Kobayashi Maru I've found another like Ian: Ryan Mauro. Mr. Mauro, according to KM, is as follows:

"Mauro is a super-smart teenage geopolitical analyst for Tactical Defense Concepts, author of 'Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq', founder of and a host of other credentials. Yes, Mauro was born late in Reagan's second term."

That is amazing, which means he's the same age or younger than my younger brother who was born in '87.

There are some amazing people out there, and to both of these young gentlemen, I tip my hat for their hard work and persistence.

Friday, March 03, 2006

More on Jay Bennish and the Colorado school situation

Last night I encountered two pieces of media connected to the Colorado school teacher who has been put on leave from teaching for interjecting his liberal views into a geography class.

The first comes as a audio link to a young man who called into a radio station. This young man is a Sr. in college at Miami in FL and was one of the first students to be taught under Mr. Bennish, during his Jr. year in High School during 2000-2001. (Scroll down to "Unhinged Teacher Caught on Tape" and "another student reacts") h/t: Michelle Malkin

The second link is a video one, of a segment on Hannity and Combes, of Sean Allen, the young man who recorded the statements of Mr. Bennish, discussing things with Sean and Alan. h/t: Ian Schwartz at "Expose the Left"

I'm glad that something is being done here and that things are getting noticed. I've written before about how educators in this country are not stupid and know what they are doing in crafting and molding students to their viewpoint of being anti-American and enbracing other systems around the world instead of believing in America. I believe that it was Sean Hannity last night who commented to Sean Allen about how in taping Bennish he may have done more for the cause of rooting out the liberal hold on the public education system than anyone has done in a long time. Sean Allen may have done just that, but not enough time has passed as of yet to asertain if that is true, but I hope it is.

Iran: The 11th Hour?

According to the BBC today,11th hour negotiations between Iran, Russia, and the EU reguarding Iran's nuclear program have been requested, and this only three days before the IAEA holds a key meeting in reguards to Iran's nuclear ambitions.

So by the looks of it every meeting prior has produced little, and even the deal set up by Russia seems to be on the rocks, having failed to yeild any new breakthrough in the midst of this crisis. I believe the world needs to face the fact that it's being played, and played well, by this country that would rejoice in seeing half of the international community either destroyed or overrun by Islamic law.

Action needs to be taken, and not some half hearted Kofi Annan inspired slap on the wrist either. Sanctions may be the way to go for the United Nations Security Council, but they need to be hard hitting, however, with Russia and China on the Council the chances of such a vote succeeding could be murky. At that point, if a vote fails, then the US may once again have to build a "coalition of the willing" and impose sanctions apart from the UN.

An interesting point to make here is that of UN and US funding of democratic movements within Iran. It may be something the UN should do, but is something we know the Unites States is doing (or desires to do) through the State Department, as Secretary Rice testified a few weeks ago. Why might this be a good idea? Simply put, as Michael Totten stated today, "the gap between the people of Iran and the government that rules them is galactic when it comes to embracing the West" - in other words, the people of Iran love the west and resent the government that opresses them. With a majority of the population in Iran being young, there is hope for change.

What about military action? It is still an option, and should be. Will it come to that? I hope not, but with a radical like Ahmadinejad as President of Iran, it very well still may. If it does, strike hard and strike fast, because that may be the only chance you get to put the "school yard bully" in his place.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tapscott on the Trail: Additional details on the OU Bomber

Over at Tapscott's Copy Desk, Mark Tapscott has additional details in reguards to the OU situation. Interesting read indeed. Keep plugging Mark.

High School Mock Trial: Bush a War Criminal?

*Update* In reaction to the teacher's comments and being put on leave, there has been a large student protect today, peaceful but large, with both sides supported, more here.

h/t Michelle Malkin

I can't believe that such a thing would be discussed among the impressionable young minds of high schoolers within the confines of a classroom, but it's happening: A high school in a conservative district has a class where the subject of a mock trial concerns the question of President Bush being a war criminal.

I don't really have any words for this, because when I think of war crimes I think of S. Milosovic and the Nazi trials at Nuremberg; Bush is nothing like either. I was part of a mock trial team in High School for a business law class, I was lead prosecutor, and it was nothing like this - just a simple heist gone wrong that turned into a murder. What's more is it's a conservative district.

If this were not enough, consider this - at least he's being put on leave.

Long after the FBI dismissed, Tapscott is on the case!

I'm referring to none other than Mark Tapscott of Tapscott's Copy Desk fame, and Director for the Center of Media and Policy at The Heritage Foundation.

The case in question is none other than the OU Bomber case, the case where a college student Joel Hinrichs built a bomb. strapped it to himself, and, by accident, detonated it outside of the OU stadium on a park bench and in so doing killed himself.

Now, long after the FBI has closed the books and labeled the event a suicide, Mark is still following the case and doing his best to get answers. Go here and here to read the latest and decide for yourself if there was an imminent attack on the OU stadium in the making.

h/t: Tapscott's Copy Desk and Captain's Quarters

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oil sightings: First Canada, NOW Isreal?!

A few weeks back I posted on an article dealing with oil reserves untouched in Canada, including the fact that the reserves there may be larger than that of Saudi Arabia.

As of this morning, a headline in the Boston Globe reads "Abramoff pushed plan to drill for oil in Israel" Now focus not on the fact that Abramoff is part of this, but the fact that there were plans to drill for oil in Israel but didn't happen. Now, thanks to information provided today by Joel Rosenberg, we also know that there are two companies in Israel that are trying to drill for oil but are having difficulty doing so. Interesting developments indeed, as one of the companies is Jewish (some of those who run the company are Russian immigrants) and the other evangelical Christian.

What will come of such a development, in light of Israel's enemies that surround her and the process for peace? Stay tuned.

Music and Politics

I'm currently listening to a song called Nineteen. This song is proof that the connection that exists between music and using it as an outlet for political opnion is an old tactic. Within the last six years or so we've heard political statements made through music or by musicians from The Dixie Chicks, Kayne West, Bruce Springsteen, the Rolling Stones, U2 and many others. What I find interesting is how far back such a practice can go, as this song was released in 1985. The song Nineteen gets its name from the average age of a solider in the Vietnam war. To that being truth, I cannot say "yes" or "no". The techno-ish song has within it dialouge from nightly news broadcats during the war, of which I believe the voice is that of Walter Cronkite. By the songs end a listener clearly gets the idea that this was meant as a piece of "anti-war" music, protesting a past conflict that by '85 was 10+ years past.

It goes to show that King Solomon was right; there is nothing new under the sun.

And the Pro-Life wave continues...

A commitee in the Mississippi Houe of Representitives voted yesterday to ban all abortions in the state except those performed to save the life of the mother. No provision for rape or incest is included in this bill. This move is similar to a move made by the state government of South Dakota last week. The most shocking part of this is that the bill was introduced by a democrat, yet when one takes into consideration the location and where context, it makes more sense. The full vote for this should occour some sometime next week

It is a relief to see the states finally taking charge of an issue that the federal government could do more with but isn't. This should be more of a state issue than a federal one anyway, as this is the only real way to battle the insidious procedure. However, it could be said that it was the President's ardent stand against abortion that started such a move by certian states and his sucesses at getting conservative jurists on the SCOTUS. May the fight continue and may the victory go to those that cherish such a beautiful thing as life itself.