Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In the New Year the Quest to Protect the Unborn Continues

Yesterday marked the 35th Anniversary of the landmark legal decision we have come to know as Roe v. Wade. This is the decision that legalized abortion in America. Since that day in 1973, almost 50 million young lives have been snuffed out - according to statistics from the Alan Gutmacher Institute, the statistics arm of Planned Parenthood, the United States should reach the 50 million mark this year.

Virtually unreported in the Main Stream Media (MSM) however, was the annual event known as the March for Life, which also happened yesterday. This march finds thousands of pro-life Americans in Washington DC raising their voices in protest to abortion, in defense of the unborn, who themselves have no defense. I was there, out in the cold, listening to members of Congress and Senators pledge themselves in defense of those younglings who never get to experience the liberty and freedom America offers.

As part of yesterday's events, I had the privilege of meeting with twenty or so high-school students who had come to Washington to participate in the march. As I talked with them, I was once again amazed at the fact that so much of the present and future success of the pro-life movements is dependent on these students, on this generation - this is a hefty burden, but not one which is seen with annoyance or disdain but rather vigorous energy. I had the chance to share with them how not too long ago I could have been one of those lives which didn't get the chance to be, save parents filled with God given courage - to show what's possible.

Today, I had the chance to view a documentary entitled I Was Wrong, the story of various women who have had abortions and come to the conclusion that it was an incorrect decision. In no certain terms, this film went into the actual abortion procedures, as well as testimony concerning the physical, emotional, and mental side-effects and consequences. Of special note is the story of one Norma McCovey. This woman had an abortion, as well as worked in Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. In the documentary she discussed how she got into drinking and other forms of substance abuse in order to deal with the feelings of loss, guilt, and shame she experienced post-abortion. In the end, she came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and has experienced the Forgiveness God offers through Christ. Here's the kicker: Norma McCovey is the plaintiff Roe in Roe v. Wade as well as Doe in the companion case Doe v. Bolton.

It's tough stuff, and while it is my hope and prayer the pro-life movement is victorious in the end, it is the days, weeks, months, and years after that day that concern me, as the backlash comes and the enemies of Life are enraged and re-invigorated. What is the defense plan then?

Time will tell, until that day I continue to work in the defense and stead of those I could have joined...


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