Monday, October 31, 2005

A New Hope for the SCOTUS?
In the wake of the Plame Game's latest developments such as last weeks inditement of Scooter Libby, Bush has announced his new pick for the SCOTUS - Samuel Alito So far he looks good, much better than the former pick. Michelle Malkin has a great round up of other information pertaining to Judge Alito.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

An interesting day across the galaxy...
First off, a word about Rosa Parks, who died yesterday in her home in Detroit (the area I happen to be from). It was her courage to stand up for what she knew was right that, along with the efforts of Dr. King, that opened the door for a new era in this great country. Others need to rise to follow such an example, serving a glorious ideal and not themselves.
Tapscott and Malkin have additional thoughts and links to many others such as La Shawn Barber
"Mr. Smith Watch" Update:
Not to be deterred by the disheartening events of last week Senators Tom Coburn, John McCain, Sam Brownback and others have unveiled a new package today in the senate to help tighten the belt on federal spending.
Townhall and Michelle Malkin have more. The chaired hearing is going on right now
It's official: the referendum on the Iraqi Constitution has been voted on and the results are in, it passed!
"Iraq's landmark constitution was adopted by a majority of voters during the country's Oct. 15 referendum, as Sunni Arab opponents failed to muster enough support to defeat it, election officials said Tuesday. Results released by the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq showed that Sunni Arabs, who had sharply opposed the draft document, failed to produce the two-thirds ``no'' vote they would have needed in at least three of Iraq's 18 provinces to defeat it. Nationwide, 78.59 percent voted for the charter while 21.41 percent voted against, the commission said. The charter required a simple majority nationwide with the provision that if two-thirds of the voters in any three provinces rejected it, the constitution would be defeated."
Michael Yon (a reporter embedded in Iraq for the Weekly Standard) has a great inside look at election day and the days before (that make the sucess all the more amazing)
It's happened, 2000 has been reached - now Cindy Sheehan will be on TV tied to the fence of the White House...only in this country, it's sublime...
Meirs Watch
A new organization has popped up that is staunchly against the Meirs nomination Americans for Better Justice and they have started an ad campaign...
Hugh Hewitt continues his defense of the nomination and Polipundit has what looks to be a pro-Meirs analysis
The Plame Game...
Today I heard Mike Pence (R-IN) member of the House and chair of the Republican Study Committee talk give a distinguished journalist lecture on his and other's attempts to implement a Media Shield Law to shield those reporters, such as Judith Miller, from revealing sources in cases such as the current one involving the release of Valarie Plame as a undercover CIA operative. I'm not sure about it being a good idea, it needs more study on my part.
However, keep watching as history is being made...

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Winds of Change Sweep across the Galaxy...
I have always been skeptical in all honestly about people in our modern age coming to Christ that no one ever thought would or could (not the best thing to admit, I know) but that's changing thanks to the news that's come forth about Anne Rice, the Queen of the Occult. It's a lot like when one of the members of Korn had the same happen. Rice's newest may find it's way on to my "need to read list" as it's a fiction work about Christ as a child, but it will probably be taken with a grain of salt, stay tuned...
The winds of change in the Senate have died down in relation to the Saga of Senator Coburn as the winds of Wilma pick up and move across FL. The defeat has quieted things down, for now, but something tells me the fight will continue, as it should, although some good could come out of this fight as Sen. Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska said that "If the Senate decides to discriminate against our state I will resign from this body" (translation - if my state doesn't get it's 223 Billion for the "bridge to nowhere" then I'm out of here).
Personally, I would like to see the Senate "discriminate" against Stevens and Alaska and see if Stevens will stand by his words, willing to give up his posh job, if he doesn't get his way - it amounts to a grown man throwing a hissy fit on C-SPAN because he couldn't get his allowance.
Additionally, is seems to be the will of the people in Alaska - "This money, a gist from the people of Alaska, will represent more then just material aid..." According to the Anchorage Daily News.
The times in which we live, serving self instead of helping those in need, amongst the body that has the most power to do just that...
On the Harriet Front things are still moving but not at such a pace as they have in the past. George Will continues of offer his thoughts on the Meirs situation. Head on over to The Moderate Voice for the latest.

Friday, October 21, 2005

A New Hope within the Republic?
Yesterday within my estimation was a pretty monumental day thanks to the efforts of Sen. Coburn - despite the defeat that he and others that have been calling for fiscal responsibility suffered at the hands of many of their own. It goes to show that some within the Senatorial governing body actually do care about fiscal responsibility and the conservative idea of limited government.
Mark Tapscott called Coburn a modern day Mr. Smith
Also, as Tapscott opined, this is a step forward for the blogging world as well, as much of this began with the "prokbuster" idea launched by Truth Laid Bare and shows that bloggers can actually have influence.
The "Moment of Clarity" Post at Captian's Quarters is a good summary
This will be a story worth tracking...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Activity in the Core Systems...
In departing from all that is "The Rebellion: Harriet Myers and SCOUTS" other things are happening on the Hill today, the chief of them being the amendments that have been put forth in congress as a result of the "Prokbusters" effort. Much of it centers around the efforts of one Senator Tom Coburn to put forth amendments that would take funding from the infamous highway bill (and such earmarked projects as the "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska) and take some of those funds to assist in the rebuilding of the city of New Orleans and the lives of those devastated by Katrina and Rita.
As I've just finished some Op-Ed research that may very well be headed to Coburn's office, and also have been following the pork busting effort via The Truth Laid Bare, and Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, I've got some interest in this - bottom line: fiscal responsibility is important, reguardless of what the majority of Capitol Hill might opine. Sadly though, the valiant effort led by Coburn has been foiled as reported by Mark Tapscott, and Glenn Reynolds. Key Senators such as DeWine (R-OH), (Sorry Cedarville) Santorum (R-PA), Frist (R-TN), and others voted AGAINST taking $900,000 and re allocating it to help pay for Hurricane relief and rebuilding.
Right Side Redux has a great roundup of bloggers who have followed the Coburn Saga live and on location at Capitol Hill.
In other news, Able Danger is back on the radar, as reported by Malkin and Captain's Quarters
Still following the OU Bomber (scroll some)...
For those that would prefer an alternative to what the MSM preaches about the situation in Iraq and what is "Really going on"...
The "Battle Over Harriet" continues as Hugh Hewitt and Marvin Olasky (and a number of evangelical bigshots) still stand beside Myers as the majority of the blogging world (Malkin, Powerline, and Reynolds to name a few - and Malkin has links to more) stands in opposition. Hugh Hewitt comments that opinions could turn this weekend thanks to the forth coming column by George Will...
The Powerball - almost 350 million dollars on the line, but what's this? A Senator wins 800,000? (It better get donated...Porkbusters anyone?)
Finally, the best looking mug shot ever...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Harriet Myers - Focal Point in the "Rebellion against the Empire"
In some ways I am suprised to still be blogging about this, then again...
The latest:
In this corner - John Fund, Rush, and Michelle Malkin, among others...
In this corner - "Harriet Myers 2.0" - more here (notice the Jedi comment) and here
An interesting look at why "The Rebellion" is occurring and the refutation
More on Meyers from Powerline...
I find myself concerned at how often Dobson and Bauer have been name dropped as of late, because this sure could come back and bite conservative evangelicals, damaging what credibility we do have in the public square.
I've stated my position in the past, and things have yet to change - like Hugh Hewitt though, I'm not the one who gets to pick, so I'll wait and see. Getting her confirmed, if it gets to come to a vote, because of the division, looks like it might be a job for the Last Son of Krypton...
Meanwhile on the back water world of Tatoonie...
"Go and Get your Riot Gear..." - no it didn't happen this weekend at the National Mall...
More on "The OU (A)Lone Bomber" - here and here
Looks like the "Prokbusters" are keeping busy..."If you're in the dome, pick up the phone, and call..."
I'd be remiss I do believe if I didn't have a link or two in regards to the monumental event of the weekend, "long live the fighters" with their ink stained fingers.
Able Danger, Able Danger, Able Danger, Anyone, is Able Danger here...? Where's Ferris Buler when you need him...*sigh*

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Comittee of 2000 vs. The Republic
The struggle over Miers continues in earnest as the rift seems to grow:
Hugh Hewitt continues his defense and Marvin Olasky his "Centered on Christ" idea , as Peggy Noonan and Robert Novak weigh in on the opposite side.
I like Olasky's idea (as a believer) but does just that really assist in deciphering a nominee's judicial philosophy? I am tending to agree with my old professor Mark Smith in regards to his comments about "Christians wanting an activist on the court" and how that would play out in cases of Roe v. Wade and such, cause the matter would go back to the states - and some would inevitably have abortion still. To clarify, I'm as against abortion as they come, but this battle may never be completely "won" because of how things work in terms of the constitution, and I'm not about to mess with the Constitution - I'm not a revisionist. For those that would make the case that a life is more important than law...I ask this - are we to legislate morality, is that the function of government?
On top of all this, I don't know if the way things are being gone about to close the gap in the rift are the best either...
Thanks to Captain's Quarters for pointing the way...
MSM seems to be relishing this, as well as the Dems I'd imagine...
Meanwhile in the Outer Rim Territories...
In other news today:
Both Michelle Malkin and Tapscott's Copy Desk have what looks to be the latest on the OU Scicide Bomber Student
For the latest on the Able Danger Saga, Captian's Quarter's has it as of yesterday...
Michelle Malkin has more on "CHUCKAQUIDDICK" - the Chuck Shumer Scandal that the MSM isn't saying much about...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Continues, The Saga Does...
As I said the other day, I continue to think that this Justice battle for the SCOTUS O'Connor seat is going to tend to be "Knock Down and Drag Out", but from the "unlikely angle" of it being a battle within the conservative camp. I find this interesting especially since all that seems to be coming from the Democrat side is that of praise from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. My guess is that the Dems are having a private heyday with conservatives in-fighting.
The situation reminds me of a Reliant K song "Down in Flames"
The lines of battle are becoming more and more defined as the days tick by:
Michelle Malkin, Greg Reynolds, Ben Shapiro, and George Will continue to come out against Miers.
Hugh Hewitt, Marvin O'Lasky, James Dobson, and Jay Sekulow come out in support of her.
Again, I wonder if the Christian Right supports her just because she is seen as "one of us" or if it is actually because we see her as a qualified canidate for the Judiciary. Do evangelicals see a nominee for the court susceptible to a "litmus test" of "we'll back you if you believe as we do in matter s of faith"? One would says yes to this in terms of Meirs I think, but yet much of the Christian Right backed Roberts. I believe that this was because of his qualified status, as shown on paper and in the hearings. I cannot say with confidence the same for Meirs as I have followed this issue.
Both sides of the conservative and camp carry good portions of argument that can sway one either way. The Anti-Camp a more intellectual/merits based argument, and the Pro-Camp more of a "let's trust the president/she's a Christian so she's got to be good" argument. One tugs at the mind, one more so at the heart.
Cries of cronyism and incompetence will abound until the end and beyond, but as I said with FEMA/Brown and ICE/Meyers - merit, merit, merit...
The OC Supertones penned wise words when they wrote "Unite, Ignite, and spark a light that burns so bright, the light will blind the blind of this our modern time..." This is an issue that is beyond both camps and "a house divied against itself won't stand"
May those in power, as well as the public, decide for itself - but decide as infomed indiviuals.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Soothing those that Seethe?
Much thanks to The Hill for this:
Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, yesterday held a conference call with conservative leaders to address their concerns about Miers. He stressed Bush’s close relationship with Miers and the need to confirm a justice who will not interfere with the administration’s management of the war on terrorism, according to a person who attended the teleconference.
"The need to confirm a justice who will not interfere with the administration's management of the war on terror..."
Why would she not?
Is it because she is a White House insider who has an understanding of this war and how it's run? Is this a hat tip to her desire to not legislate from the bench? Is this a way for Bush to put someone on the bench who would support whatever it is he does, even if his efforts are those of a mismanaged executive, thus not serving her part as one of the nine that serve as a check and a balance?
What does this mean?
From Mark Tapscott: "Sounds like they are worried about a Supreme Court decision going against them on detention of enemy combatants, especially the Padilla case where a U.S. citizen is involved."
That makes harm no foul I guess.
Sex and the Times: Reloaded
Now having gone through a year's worth of Data Analysis and Research Methods under the wing of Mark Caleb Smith of Cedarville, I can't help but take into account Regan's wise words "trust but verify".
In light of the numbers shown, I ask this question: What is the study attempting to show regardless of the numbers, what is it trying to soften us up to, make us comfortable with?
It's some scary data that we seem to be looking at here, data that makes me all the more thankful for my upbringing and the values thus instilled - regardless. No wonder we've got instances of strange marital situations in the Netherlands and the move to legalize Gay Marriage in this country. The breakdown of the family structure, begins here...
"I do" or "I don't" there is no try...

Monday, October 03, 2005

A lesson on the Bully Pulpit...
As part of my day today, I attended a panel on the joint Chinese and Russian Exercises that transpired in late August of this year. This panel proved to be very interesting, as one of the panelists proceeded to deviate from the material he was asked to cover and instead talked about how "the USA always needs an enemy" and also talked down in regards to how President Bush's faith plays into how he governs and what he says. This deviation was enough to cause the host to chastise him.
Now I agree that there is a place for faith when it comes to governance, and I don't have a problem if that faith motivates how someone governs, but at the same time (as it says in Proverbs) "victory is attained through the wise council of many" - which is why Bush has advisors. To think that the President would appoint someone to a certain position just because that person believes as the President does - in terms of like faith - is a little overboard.
Regardless of if I agree with various promotions and appointments that the President makes, I have to believe in good faith that there are some good people that he has surrounded himself with that assist him in making those promotional and appointee decisions.
I don't believe that the panel I attended today was the correct forum for such criticism, it has its place to be sure, but this was not that place.
And in this corner...
I suddenly feel the need to watch a Rocky movie, with the new pick for Justice on the SCOTUS. It has been widely speculated that this was going to be a knock down drag out fight to the finish to replace Sandra Day O'Connor, due to her seat being the swing vote in many cases that come before the court. I think this may be a knock down drag out fight for sure, but not in the mold that was originally perceived.
Personally I'll bide my time and watch this unfold, primarally because of the apparent divide in the conservative camp on the part of indiviuals who I frequestly go to for information.
Looking at statements made by Michelle Malkin, Bill Kristol, David Frum (via Malkin), Captain's Quarters, Public Advocate, and Cedarville's own Mark Smith this is not the best pick.
Malkin logs opnions from various conservative sources and Southern Appeal seems to sum it up best with"Are you fraking kidding me?!"
However, Hugh Hewitt looks at the situation from another angle as does Marvin Olasky
Sekulow and the ACLJ come out in support of the nomination
This very well could be a knock down, drag out fight from Right of Center. No matter who the pick is there will be liberal opposition just because the Left and the Media hate the President. Whoever gets caught in the middle, could come out bruised and battered even if it is ultimately in triumph...time will tell...
*Eye of the Tiger begins to play in the background...*
"Here's Rocky..."