Monday, May 15, 2006

Conservatives at a crossroads?

Over the weekend, as a I frequently do, I did some reading of my favorite bloggers. This time around two of them stand out like day does from night, Mark Tapscott and "Captain" Ed Morrisy. Recently, both of these upstanding gentlemen have written, at length, about the dissatisfaction and disinfranchisement that many conservatives are feeling as the '06 election approaches.

Such disinfranchisement exists because a number of those that we have worked so hard in the last six years to put and keep in office have failed us in key areas, such as runaway federal spending, dealing blows to political free speech through the McCain-Fiengold attempt at election reform, and not dealing with immigration in a manner that conservatives would approve of (at least on the part of the spineless US Senate).

Now make no mistake, there have been some great things that have come out of the last six years, such as two new appointments to the SCOTUS (the Miers fiasco doesn't count), tax cuts and doing all that is possible to make them stick, and the ousting of Saddam Hussien - good can come out of dark and evil circumstances. From another angle, I apprecaite the fact that conservative social values and faith have taken center stage once again - for the first time that I can remember in my young life.

So both good and bad have happened in the last six years under Bush and a GOP led congress (for at least the last two). Some however, may think that the answer for the malcontent on the part of conservatives would be to sit out come November. This is not the case, and I am glad that Captain Ed and Mark have both made a point of stating that fact. To disengage is to admit defeat. To disengage is to hand the victory over to those who would seek to take the country down a road that I do not want to see it go down - as Hugh Hewitt stated when he was at The Heritage Foundation recently, "If the Democrats win, we will lose the War on Terror because they will withdraw the troops from Iraq"

I see the time in which we live as a time to engage - for conservatives to engage is politics like never before, just as those that follow Christ should engage the world, not withdraw from it - the controversey surrounding the DaVinci Code film that comes out this Friday being a good example.

Here is what conservatives don't want to do when something bad happens or politics don't go their way: approach life as Tom Cruise's character Mavrick did in Top Gun after his rear and best friend Goose died - they would put him in the cockpit and he wouldn't engage. Above all, engagement is what is needed at this point in time, more than ever. As Viper, Tom Skerrit's character, said to Mavrick - "A good pilot is compelled to evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned."

That is what needs to be done here and is being done - evaluation of what has happened so far and where things are going. The question then is this, what have we learned?

If you ask me, we've learned that we must engage instead of going off into a corner and crying ourselves a pitty party.

Just like Mavrick we've got to get back in the seat and buzz the tower, so that the world knows we're still here.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Eyes in Space...

According to Drudge this morning, there exists a agency that spies from space.

In a Sci-Fi sort of way I think that's cool, however, I find myself wondering why this stuff is made public and gets reported. In so doing do we not hamper our nation's ability to fight terror and ultimately protect ourselves, all in the name of the "public having knowledge"?

Now I understand the importance of FOIA, and the public's access to what the government does, but there seems to just be some things we should not be privy to, things that are in place to protect us and monitor our enemies, foreign and domestic. If the American public knows, you can be sure the terrorists can find out as well.

Where is the balance?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

An invisible Headline: "US Winning War on Terror"

Take a peek at the great post by Mark Tapscott of the Washington Examiner (and formally one of my bosses at The Heritage Foundation). Also, go here, to Captain's Quarters, for more

If someone needs more proof that we're winning the war, and what the terrorists are after, look no further. Notice that the terrorists want to influence our MEDIA - something that they seem to have an easy time on, because the media never reports the fact that we are winning!

On Iran...

I few days ago I tired to, unsucessfully, post about the fact that the envoys of major nations cannot agree on what to do about Iran and the nuclear ambitions of that nation's government. Such indecision on the part of the United Nations Security Council cannot help the situation, yet the question arises "can anything really be done?".

Such a question comes to the surface because of the nations of Russia and China. With both these nations vetoing any resolution that has any sort of "teeth" in dealing with Iran, nothing is happening - just as Secretary Rice has announced yet another delay in deciding what to do. In waiting, the EU will resume a diplomatic attempt at resolution - a path that has been walked before and begat nothing worthwhile.

Meanwhile, Iran gets what Iran wants - time to continue to enrich and reseach bomb creation. In all honesty, Iran is playing the game excellently, using proxy's to tie the hands of the world's nations, so that nothing is really accomplished.

Earlier this week, Iran's President sent to President Bush a letter, calling for him to return to Christianity. This from a man who has no true and right view on the world, only his thoughts that are shewed by his apocolyptic vision of greatness at the hands of the 12th Imam; the letter was rejected out of hand. Why would such a move be taken on the part of the rouge government? The answer is simple - to show to the people of Iran that "it's their (the USA's) fault things aren't working, we tried, and failed". A way to wash their hands of blame - it is a clever move in this international chess match, one with everlasting and dastardly impications.

I always go back to the words of Fmr. PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu - who said that in Middle East culture, what is respected in such situations is shows of force, not appeasement and in-action.

Never forget that Iran has a plan and a possible program to see it through

The world has a choice to make, a hard one

The board is not quite set, but when it is, the pieces will move...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Russia and China still oppose sanctions

This just in - but to no one's suprise.

Sanctions seem to be the only option that is honestly being considered at this time. That said, Iran knows that as long as sanctions are blocked (thanks to Russia and China) the hands of the world are tied, because even though military action is still a option in the eyes of President Bush, not all diplomatic options have been used as of yet, and until they are no action will be taken. It's become a political cat and mouse game instead of being concerned about security.

Iran is continuing to play the world for fools, as they go about their secret business and formulate their plans - not to mention openly brag about what they are doing.

If this were not enough cause ofr concern, Iran has said once again that they will strike Israel - this time if the USA does anything that they determine to be evil, which could mean sanctions or military action.

This doesn't help the desire by the UNSC to reign in Iran (but it does help bolster the case that Iran needs to be reigned in). Iran knows it and will continue to be emboldened by such statements. Sadly there may come a time shortly when hard decisions need to be made that will cause harm to some degree. An attempt to reign in Iran may cost Israel something, but the questions is do you pay now and end the affair or end up paying to a greater degree later.

Cautious about June 6th 2006? Apparently

Now this I can't believe.

Yes Ann Coulter's new book comes out that day, and the remake of The Omen does as well, not to mention the next Left Behind novel, but seriously folks all that is just marketing on purpose - is someone going to cause trouble that day just because of 666?
