Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Is America winning the "Shadow War?"

Yesterday it was announced that the United States has clashed with terrorists in Africa, in Somolia (of Black Hawk Down fame). This was a terrorist capturing and killing operation. Greater detail about the situation can be found here, thanks to Richard Miniter of Pajamas Media.

When things like this transpire, and the public is made aware of it, it leads to the question of "Is America winning the Global War on Terror"? This question is a very pertinent one, as the President unviels his new plan for the War in Iraq tomorrow night, and Congress considers legislation concerning the implimentation of the suggestions made by the 9/11 Commission to improve security.

It is my personal opnion that the answer to that question is "yes, America IS winning the War on Terror". Many would disagree because of the President's comments in the past, but it must never be forgotten that Iraq is not the entire theatre, as well as the fact that America has not been attacked in these last five years. The fact that America has not been attacked begs the question of why hasn't America been attacked in the last five years?

I believe the answer lies in what we don't hear, what we don't know. Earlier I mentioned Richard Miniter of Pajamas Media. Mr. Miniter has garnished a reputation as a expert on terrorism, and has written three best-selling books on the War on Terror. In his second book, Shadow War, he deals heavily with events and operations from September 2001 through March 2004 (the bombings in Madrid, Spain) that the US government took part in and spear-headed to hunt down and capture (or kill) terrorists plotting against the United States (and much of what he details had never been reported prior to the publishing of this book). It is because of the vigilance that Miniter portrays, that America has not been attacked since 9/11. During this time, many terrorists were captured or killed. Have there been mistakes and does Shadow War talk about some of them, it sure does. However, America is still attack free at this point and it is not because the terrorists have not tried (consider the Shoe Bomber, Richard Reid, and the plot in August of 2006 to hijack planes from London to the United States).

Having now read such a volume, I find myself wondering about the operations that have happened across the world since March of 2004 that no one knows about, operations that have probably averted terrorists plots and kept America safe. This most recent operation in Somolia only highlights the part of the Global War on Terror that is fought to keep America safe, the part that is fought in the shadows...


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