Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Alex P. Keaton and Politics?

Within the last few days there has been a lot of focus on a few new political ads that feature Michael J. Fox, known to many in America as the iconic Marty McFly from Back to the Future, and Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties. These ads have been used in the Senate races in both Missouri and Maryland, supporting both of the Democratic canidates for Senate in those states. The ads that have aired focus on the controversial issue of stem-cell research.

The reason that these ads have been so controversial is due to the fact that for the last fifteen years Mr. Fox has struggled with Parkinson's disease, a disease that many believe could be cured with advances in stem cell research. Mr. Fox puts forth the idea that Republican canidates for Senate in Missouri and Maryland, Jim Talent and Michael Steele respectively, oppose stem-cell research. Within these ads, no distinction is made between the types of stem cell research that exist, mainly Adult and Embryonic stem cell research.

Here is the ad itself...

Now someone like Michael J. Fox supports SCR in all of it's forms, along with the canidates that he is doing ads for. On the other hand, Talent and Steele do not oppose SCR in it's entirety, they just oppose Embryonic SCR, as it is a procedure that kills the embryo, thus extinguishing a life.

Steele had something to say in respone to this ad, and Talent's stand on this issue is no needle in a haystack, but it is something that is out in the open.

What needs to be realized here is that there is a difference between Embryonic and Adult SCR, and that difference needs to be laid out plainly, instead of being hidden or blurred in the name of political advantage and victory; there are vital and important human lives at stake here, young lives that have no say on their own, so someone must speak up for them.


Blogger Geoff Peck said...

hey man, good post. unfortunately, rush limbaugh attacked Fox, saying he was faking his symptons in that ad. now rush has just given more fuel for the Left to use in the stem cell debate. p.s. i'm back blogging again, we'll see for how long.
talk to you later!

8:18 AM  

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