Harriet Myers - Focal Point in the "Rebellion against the Empire"
In some ways I am suprised to still be blogging about this, then again...
The latest:
An interesting look at why "The Rebellion" is occurring and the refutation
More on Meyers from Powerline...
I find myself concerned at how often Dobson and Bauer have been name dropped as of late, because this sure could come back and bite conservative evangelicals, damaging what credibility we do have in the public square.
I've stated my position in the past, and things have yet to change - like Hugh Hewitt though, I'm not the one who gets to pick, so I'll wait and see. Getting her confirmed, if it gets to come to a vote, because of the division, looks like it might be a job for the Last Son of Krypton...
Meanwhile on the back water world of Tatoonie...
"Go and Get your Riot Gear..." - no it didn't happen this weekend at the National Mall...
Looks like the "Prokbusters" are keeping busy..."If you're in the dome, pick up the phone, and call..."
I'd be remiss I do believe if I didn't have a link or two in regards to the monumental event of the weekend, "long live the fighters" with their ink stained fingers.
Able Danger, Able Danger, Able Danger, Anyone, is Able Danger here...? Where's Ferris Buler when you need him...*sigh*
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