Tuesday, October 25, 2005

An interesting day across the galaxy...
First off, a word about Rosa Parks, who died yesterday in her home in Detroit (the area I happen to be from). It was her courage to stand up for what she knew was right that, along with the efforts of Dr. King, that opened the door for a new era in this great country. Others need to rise to follow such an example, serving a glorious ideal and not themselves.
Tapscott and Malkin have additional thoughts and links to many others such as La Shawn Barber
"Mr. Smith Watch" Update:
Not to be deterred by the disheartening events of last week Senators Tom Coburn, John McCain, Sam Brownback and others have unveiled a new package today in the senate to help tighten the belt on federal spending.
Townhall and Michelle Malkin have more. The chaired hearing is going on right now
It's official: the referendum on the Iraqi Constitution has been voted on and the results are in, it passed!
"Iraq's landmark constitution was adopted by a majority of voters during the country's Oct. 15 referendum, as Sunni Arab opponents failed to muster enough support to defeat it, election officials said Tuesday. Results released by the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq showed that Sunni Arabs, who had sharply opposed the draft document, failed to produce the two-thirds ``no'' vote they would have needed in at least three of Iraq's 18 provinces to defeat it. Nationwide, 78.59 percent voted for the charter while 21.41 percent voted against, the commission said. The charter required a simple majority nationwide with the provision that if two-thirds of the voters in any three provinces rejected it, the constitution would be defeated."
Michael Yon (a reporter embedded in Iraq for the Weekly Standard) has a great inside look at election day and the days before (that make the sucess all the more amazing)
It's happened, 2000 has been reached - now Cindy Sheehan will be on TV tied to the fence of the White House...only in this country, it's sublime...
Meirs Watch
A new organization has popped up that is staunchly against the Meirs nomination Americans for Better Justice and they have started an ad campaign...
Hugh Hewitt continues his defense of the nomination and Polipundit has what looks to be a pro-Meirs analysis
The Plame Game...
Today I heard Mike Pence (R-IN) member of the House and chair of the Republican Study Committee talk give a distinguished journalist lecture on his and other's attempts to implement a Media Shield Law to shield those reporters, such as Judith Miller, from revealing sources in cases such as the current one involving the release of Valarie Plame as a undercover CIA operative. I'm not sure about it being a good idea, it needs more study on my part.
However, keep watching as history is being made...


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