The Cost of Your Vote
In just seven short days indiviuals from all across the country will be doing their part in the great democratic process of America by voting and in so doing will be executing, what I belive to be, their duty to the representitive republic in which we all live.
This idea brings a question to my mind: How much is your vote costing you?
Me? Well it cost 15.00 to overnight the ballot request to the Township of Canton, MI and it will probably cost me 15.00 - 20.00 to overnight the absentee ballot back so it will get there in time to be counted and rendered effective.
Some might say, "Hey, isn't that a little hefty a price tag to put on something that isn't supposed to cost us anything anyway?" I say no, not at all, because remember that we vote because we are a free people, a free nation, a free country, and freedom, well it's NEVER free. That freedom has a price because it cost blood, sweat, tears, heartache, and sacrafice - in a nutshell that freedom has cost lives. It's cost the lives of people who believed that freedom is God's gift to the world, people who fought to rid the world of evil when it reared it's ugly head generation after generation. These indiviuals, in a large part, have been part of the Armed Forces of the United States; from the Geroge Washington's, John Trumble's, and Peter Muhlenberg's of the Revolution to the Seth Welty's, Rob Hebron's Joe Knable's, Joe Schneider's and Andy Klien's of today's War on Terror. The vigilance of these and countless others over two and a half centuries are why we enjoy the freedom we do, why we can even partake in the choosing of those that represent us, for they are Public Servants, not Public Masters.
When you go to the ballot box next Tuesday, remember those that have fought so that you can execute this sacred right that we have as Americans; vote your concience, certianly, the hope being that a vote cast is a vote cast in favor of canidates who support the troops AND their mission in the War on Terror.
This idea brings a question to my mind: How much is your vote costing you?
Me? Well it cost 15.00 to overnight the ballot request to the Township of Canton, MI and it will probably cost me 15.00 - 20.00 to overnight the absentee ballot back so it will get there in time to be counted and rendered effective.
Some might say, "Hey, isn't that a little hefty a price tag to put on something that isn't supposed to cost us anything anyway?" I say no, not at all, because remember that we vote because we are a free people, a free nation, a free country, and freedom, well it's NEVER free. That freedom has a price because it cost blood, sweat, tears, heartache, and sacrafice - in a nutshell that freedom has cost lives. It's cost the lives of people who believed that freedom is God's gift to the world, people who fought to rid the world of evil when it reared it's ugly head generation after generation. These indiviuals, in a large part, have been part of the Armed Forces of the United States; from the Geroge Washington's, John Trumble's, and Peter Muhlenberg's of the Revolution to the Seth Welty's, Rob Hebron's Joe Knable's, Joe Schneider's and Andy Klien's of today's War on Terror. The vigilance of these and countless others over two and a half centuries are why we enjoy the freedom we do, why we can even partake in the choosing of those that represent us, for they are Public Servants, not Public Masters.
When you go to the ballot box next Tuesday, remember those that have fought so that you can execute this sacred right that we have as Americans; vote your concience, certianly, the hope being that a vote cast is a vote cast in favor of canidates who support the troops AND their mission in the War on Terror.