Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Day Long Remembered: In the Highest Court, a Victory for Life

Three days ago, Wednesday, April 18, 2007, the Supreme Court of the United States reached a landmark decision in deciding to uphold the President's 2003 ban on the practice of partial birth abortion or PBA. This victory is one that pro-lifers across America have waited long and worked hard for. What this decision has accomplished is the outlawing of a procedure where the baby is partially delivered from the mother's womb, and as this is happening, the child's skull is punctured and the child's brain extracted, and subsequently destroyed, thus ending a young life that some within our great nation see as not viable even at that time, the latest of stages, the actual delivery process. This process is commonly referred to as D/X, meaning dilation and extraction. Unfortunately, other abortive practices are still viable and protected.

Yet, not even 24 hours after the decision was handed down, Senators such as Barbara Boxer of California, who champions a woman's reproductive rights, a choice, as above the right to life, something that is indisputably protected by the Constitution, has come out saying that this ban is a bad thing and that she will fight it - having introduced a bill in the Senate to do so. Senator, and Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton has also come out on this issue saying that it is a violation, Constitutionally, of a "woman's right to choose". Other Presidential hopefuls on the Democratic ticket, John Edwards and Senator Obama, have both said they strongly disagree and are disappointed by the Court's ruling.

There is still much work to be done to protect the unborn, but certainly this is a leap in the RIGHT direction.


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