Tuesday, November 15, 2005
A not so bright day on Capitol Hill
Well the weather outside looks frightful, and there's no fire to be delightful...
That about says it from where I sit. It's been quite awhile since I've blogged here, busy and all.
The big news today is this; the GOP is now pushing legislation to end the war in Iraq.
I sure hope that doesn't make it, and if it does that the President crushes it. Honestly, why does the ruling party in congress have to be so weak? We have the majority, for pete's sake, USE IT! Isn't there something about if you're part of the Pesident's party, you're obligated to assist him in furthering the agenda of the administration? How is this doing that?! Wake up world, if we pull out without the the people of raq being fully able to to stand on their own and defend themselves, the ENEMY wins, the Terrorists declare victory and we and the people of Iraq are demoralized as the terrorists jump on this "victory" and are proved right in the vien of Vietnam and Beruit. We need to finish what we start, not cut and run. Are the same GOP-ers that are pushing this the same ones that wanted the ANWR ammendment out of the appropriations bill?
Liberal groups are comming down hard on Sam Alito because of information released yesterday showing that he is somewhat Anti-Roe and Pro-Life
Well good heavens and good for him! Why in the world is a woman's "right to choose",(which is not a "right to choose" anyway but a right to an abortion - something you'd NEVER hear) a.k.a. a right to kill kids and forego any responsibility for sexual action, so darn important? Ill never understand - I must be one of those backwater conservatives...hmmmm...
Mr. Obama says his piece in this article...
In some ways I agree with Mr. Obama in terms of the need to cut spending, but notice the frequent mention of Tax Cuts for the rich...yeah, what is he not saying? I don't notice anything about delayingor cutting the Medicare Perscription Dug bill...
In the other corner, opposite Senator Obama...
Here's the latest from my Hero - be sure to take note of the quotes by Mr. Bernard Lewis...
Chuck Colson weighs in on the situation in France
No one surrenders like the French...nuff said
Friday, November 04, 2005
Touchdown Dances and the Helpless Aflame
Much thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing the two following things to my attention the last day or so...
Touchdown Dances - I blogged about this a tad already, but the comment made by Washington Times writer Emily Messner in her column this week has me still furious.
Here's the situation: when you read the column, there will be a comment about George Will and touchdown dances, with a asterisk. That asterisk is connected to an "apology" to Charles Krauthammer, a columnist at the Times, nightly pundit on Special Report with Brit Hume, and to me a personal here because he's brilliant and done so well, defying the odds as a "handicapped" individual. Ms. Messner insulted one off my heroes a man she claims she didn't know was handicapped, even though they work for the same paper.
The Helpless Aflame - The following is the worst thing yet to come out of reports on the riots in France - some youthfuls doused a older disabled woman in gasoline then through a incendiary device onto the bus that she was on. She wasn't able to escape and suffered 3rd degree burns on 20% of her body
What in Heaven's name is that!? It makes me want to SCREAM! How dare someone do something like that! The French government has got to be totally incompetent to let something like this happen. This sort of thing should be crushed.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Liberal Empire Strikes Back...
If there is one thing that's been learned over the last few weeks it's that Bush made a mistake in his first SCOTUS pick. Now however, it would seem that on many fronts he has successfully recovered from that mistake by pulling himself up my his bootstraps and picking someone who would satisfy his base and and thus fulfill his promise made during the 2004 election cycle in bringing people before the Senate for consideration for any open spot that were in the mold of Justices like Thomas. Having done this, the enemy starfighters seem to be out in force, photon torpedoes ready to go. As is always an issue, the left side of the aisle is forever going to be concerned that any conservative SCOTUS pick would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Is this a bad thing, heavens no! Why, because then as I understand it the issue would go back to the states and hopefully end up on a special ballot, so that, heaven forbid, the voters actually get to decide on such an issue and the will of the people is actually executed - one of democracy's finest hours. I refuse to believe that voters would vote in favor of abortion if they were properly educated on it.
I've come across two articles one from Michelle Malkin and the other from Jeff Jacoby on Iraq and the truth. Why the NYT would dishonor the memory of someone fighting for our freedom...More reason as to why I don't like them at all. What about "being the paper of record" or "The Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but..." Yeah right, what planet are we on again?
Those interested in a better outlook on the subject need to visit Michael Yon. I've got a lot of respect for a guy like that, who goes over and tells the other side of the story, the side that the media won't touch because it's a cure to the virus known as "bias"
One of my heros (as reported by Michelle Malkin) was insulted big-time yesterday, I can't believe people's stupidity. If it happened to me, I'd laugh it off and make fun of them for hours on end, but come on...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Yesterday on Coruscant...
So the Senate closed it's doors yesterday, under Rule 21. Apparently Rule 21 allows for a closed session to be held by the Senate. Personally I think it's just a democratic stunt to deflect from the potential success that Samuel Alito could be and turn things against the administration - keeping "the war" and the Plame Game in primary focus for as long as possible, keeping any media eye away from something positive. Tapscott's Copy Desk has a great post about this and journalistic outcry.
In terms of what is going on for real in Iraq, I would encourage any reader to keep tabs on Michael Yon and his work in Iraq as a embed. (Not to mention props to Bruce Willis.) Also in the vein of honoring those that fight for us, Michelle Malkin's latest column further illustrates why I stalwartly dislike the NYT - truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth right? I guess not...Another article along the same vein is here
Being from Detroit, I tired to see Rosa Parks when she was in state at the Capitol on Sunday. It didn't work out, but I want to believe that this would make her and Dr. King cringe if they knew.