Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Yesterday on Coruscant...
So the Senate closed it's doors yesterday, under Rule 21. Apparently Rule 21 allows for a closed session to be held by the Senate. Personally I think it's just a democratic stunt to deflect from the potential success that Samuel Alito could be and turn things against the administration - keeping "the war" and the Plame Game in primary focus for as long as possible, keeping any media eye away from something positive. Tapscott's Copy Desk has a great post about this and journalistic outcry.
In terms of what is going on for real in Iraq, I would encourage any reader to keep tabs on Michael Yon and his work in Iraq as a embed. (Not to mention props to Bruce Willis.) Also in the vein of honoring those that fight for us, Michelle Malkin's latest column further illustrates why I stalwartly dislike the NYT - truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth right? I guess not...Another article along the same vein is here
Being from Detroit, I tired to see Rosa Parks when she was in state at the Capitol on Sunday. It didn't work out, but I want to believe that this would make her and Dr. King cringe if they knew.


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