Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Liberal Empire Strikes Back...
If there is one thing that's been learned over the last few weeks it's that Bush made a mistake in his first SCOTUS pick. Now however, it would seem that on many fronts he has successfully recovered from that mistake by pulling himself up my his bootstraps and picking someone who would satisfy his base and and thus fulfill his promise made during the 2004 election cycle in bringing people before the Senate for consideration for any open spot that were in the mold of Justices like Thomas. Having done this, the enemy starfighters seem to be out in force, photon torpedoes ready to go. As is always an issue, the left side of the aisle is forever going to be concerned that any conservative SCOTUS pick would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Is this a bad thing, heavens no! Why, because then as I understand it the issue would go back to the states and hopefully end up on a special ballot, so that, heaven forbid, the voters actually get to decide on such an issue and the will of the people is actually executed - one of democracy's finest hours. I refuse to believe that voters would vote in favor of abortion if they were properly educated on it.
I've come across two articles one from Michelle Malkin and the other from Jeff Jacoby on Iraq and the truth. Why the NYT would dishonor the memory of someone fighting for our freedom...More reason as to why I don't like them at all. What about "being the paper of record" or "The Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but..." Yeah right, what planet are we on again?
Those interested in a better outlook on the subject need to visit Michael Yon. I've got a lot of respect for a guy like that, who goes over and tells the other side of the story, the side that the media won't touch because it's a cure to the virus known as "bias"
One of my heros (as reported by Michelle Malkin) was insulted big-time yesterday, I can't believe people's stupidity. If it happened to me, I'd laugh it off and make fun of them for hours on end, but come on...


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