Like many that have come before me and many that will thrive long after I am gone, I love comic books. Not only that, but even moreso when they are transformed into worthwhile pieces of film. When reading these books and watching these films I ask myself, "What is is about comic books, what's the appeal?" For some it's to pass the time and for others it is a chance to delve deep into a world of excitement, expirence and power like none other. I believe that it is within this demographic that there lies a subset of indiviuals that see something else, they see themselves. Within this subset are those that when they look at Clark Kent, they see their own reflection and find themselves wishing they were Superman, or Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker, but wishing Batman and Spiderman. Why? Because these alter-egos that these "normal" people have stand for something - they find themselves locked in a battle between good and evil, right and wrong, frequently battling something much bigger than themselves and winning. It's the idea of a crusading spirit; knowing what is right and fighting for that, no matter the cost.
Now in all three of these cases the backdrop is a "major metropolitain city" - Metropolis, Gotham, and NYC. In reality such a local could be replaced with Washington DC. Now if the imaginary local were to be replaced by a real one, then what real figures working, fighting, and crusading would replace out superheros of legend? For starters there would be the dynamic congressional duo of "not so caped" cursaders Tom Coburn and Mike Pence. Now Pence could be considered the conservative "boy wonder" of the House of Repersentitives as he hasn't been in office for too long, and yet is the leader of the largest conservative caucus in the House, the Republican Study Committe. Alongside Coburn's efforts in the Senate, Pence fights for the rights of the unborn, limited governmnet, strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution, fiscal responsibility, and a host of other worthwhile principles. Men like these are crusaders, through and through fighting tooth and nail against a opposing political idology that is legion in Washington. They are not alone, as there are others such as Rick Santorum and Marsha Blackburn that fight alongside them for what they know is right, not to mention intended for this great nation.
Washington is in need of crusading heros such as these indiviuals, and it is with great bravery and tenaciousness that the call has been answered, at present. This begs the question "Who will answer the 'Hero's Call' in the next generation? The day will come for Coburn, Pence, Santorum, Blackburn, and others presently in combat to pass the baton, and when that time comes there MUST be those of the present generation who will take up the next leg in the race, take up the "mantle of the bat", continuing to fight until their candle flickers out. In so doing they will inspire further generations, just as they are inspired by the present one.
When the passing on of the Baton comes, I will be there to pick it up.