Saturday, August 19, 2006

For Democrat "Generals" the board is being set...

It's popped up on Drudge that the Democratic National Committe has devised a new calander for presidential nomination (adding two new locations in addition to Iowa and New Hampsire) and has threatened to thwart any democratic canidate that goes against that calander.

Wow, what to say to this? Well apparently it is being done because certian demographic and monority groups have complained of late that their voice is non-existent in the primary selection process. While this could be true, the truth of the matter is simple, so let's cut through the bull: Democrats see this next presidential decision as their best shot to put a stranglehold on the government of the United States (following a hopeful off-year chance for victory in a few months). That said they know that they need to bolster their chances as much as they can to capture 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and this is how they apparently plan to do so.

Regardless though, this seems to be creating a rift in the democratic party, just as Joe Lieberman's run as an Independent will continue to do. To that, I say, more power to you folks, for a house divided agaist itself cannot stand.


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